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Post 7 "Rocio Ortega and the deaf people"

 At start, I was kinda frustrated with this post, hence why nothing came to my mind, no person or web page related to the sound enigeering career, which made me question a few things, luckily, a few hours ago I watched this movie called "The sound of metal" that tells the story of a drummer frome a metal band that stopped being able to hear, at the same time I remembered the final project of Rocio Ortega, the first sound engineering female studented that graduated from the Universidad de Chile, That tried to help people who couldn't hear, and give them a musical experience, without actually giving them the same musical experience as the people who are able to hear.  All of this made me remember some beautifull stuff that has my carreer, for example, learning what sound actually means and learning it frome different presepctives. Sound is important for those who study my carreer, and sometimes it starts becoming difficult for me to imagine a world without them, no wanting ...

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